Earthquakes: The Science Behind the Destruction

بازدید: 4204

 behind the destruction


They're the violent rumblings of the earth producing nothing but destruction and trauma—earthquakes. In fact, according to ancient Norse mythology, they're caused by struggling gods. The culprit is the shifting of tectonic plates along fault lines below the ocean floor, which cause the seismic activity experiences above sea level. Yet, to stop at moving rocks without exploring the fascinating science behind earthquake predictions, recording and subsequent damage would be an oversimplification of one of Mother Nature's nastiest tantrums. {Play}

This earth-shattering playlist dives deep into some of the most common questions behind the science of a rumbling planet. Do humans cause earthquakes? Is it true animals can sense them? Hold on tight and delve far beneath the deepest depths of the ocean to discover the enigmatic facts about earthquakes. {Play}


 [video url="Simon/Breakfast/Can-We-Predict-Earthquakes-sub.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/Can-We-Predict-Earthquakes.jpg"]

لینک دانلود مستقیم فیلم همراه با زیرنویس

 [video url="Simon/Breakfast/Can-We-Predict-Earthquakes.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/Can-We-Predict-Earthquakes.jpg"]

لینک دانلود مستقیم فیلم بدون زیرنویس

Violent: خشونت آمیز / سخت و شدید
Rumble: غرش کردن
Destruction: ویرانی / تخریب
Trauma: آسیب
Ancient: باستانی / قدیمی
Mythology: اسطوره شناسی
Culprit: مقصر / گناهکار
Fault Lines: گسل
Seismic activity: فعالیت لرزه ای
Prediction: پیش بینی
Subsequent: متعاقب
Oversimplification: ساده سازی بیش از حد
Nasty: نامطبوع
Tantrum: خشم
Earth-shattering: بسیار مهم / قابل توجه
Dive in/into something: بطور ناگهانی شروع به انجام کاری کردن
Hold on tight: آمادگی برای شرایط سخت و دشوار
Delve: تلاش برای بدست آوردن اطلاعات بیشتر
Enigmatic: مبهم / پیچیده



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earth-shattering=خرد شدن زمین

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وااااايييي. چرا انقد تند حرف ميزد. نفسم بند رفت دلم ميخواد كتكش بزنم اين پسررو

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So impressive

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