How To Persuade People Without Them Realizing It

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How To Persuade People 2


How To Persuade People Without Them Realizing It

Let's say you and your friend are sitting down to watch TV. You're kind of in the mood for something serious, but when your friend turns the TV on, its set on "Bob's Burgers." "Hm, I wanted something more dramatic," you say, and your friend agrees. "That sounds good. This show is kinda dramatic sometimes, though." You reply, "I guess so. I liked the one where Louise dreamt that all her toys came to life." "Yeah!," your friend says. "That was great. Super relatable, and the music was good, too. Let's watch this!" "Sure," you say, trying to shake the feeling that you just got played. Well, guess what: you were just a victim of the Amplification Hypothesis. {Play}

How To Persuade People

Passive Aggressive, Or Just Persuasive?

The amplification hypothesis was first put forth in a paper in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2008, and it basically works like this: If there's something that you want but you know the person you need to convince will be inclined to disagree, your first step is to never disagree with them. Instead, you express some halfhearted agreement with any point they make, while also putting forward some ambivalence: "You're right, we can't afford to order in tonight. There's nothing to eat in the house though." Then, when they say anything that could be construed as being on your side, you agree enthusiastically: "Yeah, you shouldn't go out to the store tonight, you just got home! I guess we should just order some sushi." Bingo — they might even think it was their idea. {Play}

The method works because people tend to harden their beliefs when they are challenged directly, but soften them when others seem to be agreeing. So if you'd said "Yes, we can afford to order takeout," they might have replied "Not if we're trying to save money," and soon enough you'll be stuck eating boring, sensible eggs on toast. But if you ostensibly agree with their statements while subtly cutting them down, you can gently nudge them in the direction you want. We can't guarantee they won't eventually catch on though (or that you won't come off as really passive aggressive in the process). {Play}

Countering The Method

Once you become aware of this technique, you might start to recognize that behavior in somebody you know. But here's some good news: there are ways to counteract it. If you get the sense that somebody is trying to mirror your attitudes to drive you towards a certain decision, just throw them a curveball. {Play}

If they're appealing to your logical argument ("You're right, we can't afford it. Although..."), then switch over to an emotional one ("Actually, I'm really in the mood for fettuccine. I'll just pop over to the store and get some noodles."). That switcheroo works just as well the other way — the point is to keep them uncertain about how you reached the conclusion that you did, so they're not sure what part they should be agreeing with.

Yeah, it's also pretty manipulative, but you know what they say: turnaround is fair play. Also, maybe you guys need to see a couples' counselor. {Play}

[video url="Simon/Breakfast/The-most-persuasive-phrases-in-the-human-language.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/The-most-persuasive-phrases-in-the-human-language.png"]

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To shake the feeling: احساس را کم کردن (از بین بردن)
Victim: قربانی
Amplification Hypothesis: نظریه ای که میگوید رفتار شما تاثیرگذار بر فکر یا رفتار طرف مقابل است

Put forth: پیشنهاد دادن
Convince: متقاعد کردن / تشویق کردن
Be inclined to do something/inclined to something: تمایل به انجام کاری داشتن
Halfhearted: بدون علاقه و اشتیاق
Make a point: تاکید کردن
Put (somebody or something) forward: پیشنهاد دادن
Ambivalence:  ابهام
Afford to do something: استطاعت داشتن
Be construed as something: درک کردن
Enthusiastically: با شور و اشتیاق
Tend to do something: تمایل به انجام کاری داشتن
Takeout: غذایی که از رستوران دریافت و در خانه میل می شود
Soon enough: خیلی زود / به زودی
Ostensibly: ظاهرا
Subtly: زیرکانه / ماهرانه
Gently: به آرامی / با ملایمت
Nudge: توجه کسی را جلب کردن
Eventually: سرانجام
Catch on: محبوب و متداول شدن
Come off: محقق شدن
Passive aggressive: افراد متهاجم منفعل
Become aware of: آگاه شدن
Recognize: تشخیص دادن
Counteract: انجام دادن عمل متقابل، اثر بد چیزی را کاهش دادن
Have a sense that/get a sense that: احساس کردن
Attitude to/toward: نگرش / طرز برخورد
Throw somebody a curve: متعجب کردن کسی با پرسیدن یک سوال سخت
Appealing: جذاب
Logical: منطقی
Switch over: کاری را متوقف کردن و کار دیگری را شروع کردن
Pop over: سریع به جایی رفتن
Switcheroo: تغییر ناگهانی و پیش بینی نشده
Manipulative: کنترل گر، کسی که در متقاعدکردن یا کنترل افراد دیگر تبحر دارد (بار منفی دارد)
Counselor: مشاور

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (9)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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در پاسخ به دوستمون علی ،معنای catch on درست گفته شده است شما در مورد catch on to حرف میزنید که به معنی درک کردن و فهمیدن است .

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درود. مرسی از زحمت هایی که میکشید مقاله هاتون خیلی عالی هستن. فقط یه اشکال کوچیک در قسمت ترجمه لغات این مقاله هست. به نظرم در اینجا catch on به معنی محبوب و متداول شدن نیست بلکه به معنی فهمیدن یا گرفتن موضوعی چیزی هست(to begin to understand or...

درود. مرسی از زحمت هایی که میکشید مقاله هاتون خیلی عالی هستن. فقط یه اشکال کوچیک در قسمت ترجمه لغات این مقاله هست. به نظرم در اینجا catch on به معنی محبوب و متداول شدن نیست بلکه به معنی فهمیدن یا گرفتن موضوعی چیزی هست(to begin to understand or realize something).
catch on
1. to become popular and fashionable
2. to begin to understand or realize something

ادامه مطلب
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هیچ خوبی بی منتی بی اجر و مزد نمیمونه، ایشالا خدا برکت بده به کار و حرفتون

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این همه خوبی کردن رایگان و بی منت مگه داریم مگه میشه :???

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مرررررسی، هم مقاله آموزنده ای بود هم کلمات خوبی داشت

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واقعا از اينكه بي منت براي كسايي كه اصلا نميشناسيد وقتتون رو ميزاريد و اين برنامه ها رو پياده ميكنيد تا پيشرفت كنن، بي نهايت سپاسگذارم. شما از بهترين ها هستيد. دوستون دارم

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بسیار مفید و کاربردی بود

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درود. از اینکه وقت میذارید و کمک حال زبان آموزان هستید بی نهایت سپاسگزارم.

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ترجمه فارسی لغات خیلی خوب و دقیق هستند. فوق العاده دارید بهمون کمک میکنید. سپاسگزارم

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