Gaudi's Basilica Is Sorta, Kinda, Almost Finished

بازدید: 4814



Have you ever had a project that takes you much longer than you think it will? Imagine if it took more than 134 years longer. That's right — famed Catalan Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi began his Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família in 1882... and it's now slated for completion in 2026. {Play}


The Basilica at night, May 12, 2013 Catarina Belova / Shutterstock, Inc.

God's Not In A Hurry{Play}

If you've ever been to Barcelona, Spain, there's no way you could've missed Gaudi's 558-foot-tall, Gothic/Art Nouveau-style Roman Catholic church, commonly known as the Sagrada Familia, or the Basilica. When you gaze upon its towers, it's as if you've entered a strange, yet magical world — that is, if you can look past the construction cranes. Gaudi wasn't the first architect of the Basilica, however. He took over the masterpiece in 1883 when the original architect, Francisco de Paula del Villar y Lozano, resigned. {Play}

Gaudi dedicated the majority of his career to this single project, eventually dying in 1926 with less than a quarter of the Basilica completed. It is still considered the longest-running architectural project on Earth. But, why is it taking so long? Spain has experienced several hurdles during the structure's creation, including a little something called the Spanish Civil War. {Play}

Gaudi was often quoted saying "my client is not in a hurry," and by client, he meant God. His vision for the Basilica was a building that encapsulated the history of the Catholic faith. Former chief architect, Jordi Bonet i Armengol, tells Alpine Living that the Sagrada Familia was Gaudi's "call to peace" and was intended to represent humanity. After Gaudi's death, they didn't resume construction until 1952. {Play}

Gaudis Basilica

The Sagrada Familia, 1905

2026 Is The Year (We Can Feel It){Play}

Gaudi knew he wouldn't be alive to see the church in its completion, so he dedicated his final years to creating three-dimensional models. Many were destroyed in the Spanish Civil War, but the few that survived have been crucial for the architects who follow in his footsteps. If the Basilica is indeed ready in 2026, it'll be just in time for the centennial of Gaudi's death. It'll also be the tallest religious building in Europe. And, in our humble opinion, the most impressive. {Play}

 [video url="Simon/Breakfast/Famous_Sagrada.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/Famous-Sagrada.jpg"]

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[video url="Simon/Breakfast/SAGRADA-FAMILIA-BARCELONA-SPAIN.mp4" poster="/images/breakfast/SAGRADA-FAMILIA-SPAIN.jpg"]

 لینک دانلود مستقیم فیلم دوم بدون زیرنویس


مجموعه لغات جدید در این متن

Sorta=Kinda: به نوعی، یه جورایی
Slated for something: برنامه ریزی شده برای آینده مشخص

Gaze: خیره شدن
Masterpiece: شاهکار
Dedicate: اختصاص دادن / وقف کردن
Majority: اکثریت
Hurdle: مانع
In a hurry: مشتاق بودن برای سریع بدست آوردن چیزی
Encapsulated: خلاصه کردن، در برگرفتن
Faith: باور / ایمان
Represent: نمایش دادن
Humanity: بشریت
Resume: ادامه یافتن
Three-dimensional: سه بعدی
Destroyed: تخریب شده / نابود شده
Crucial: حیاتی و مهم
Follow in somebody’s footsteps: پیروی کردن / الگو قرار دادن
Centennial: صد ساله
Religious: مذهبی
Humble: متواضع / فروتن
Impressive:تاثیر گذار

ارسال دیدگاه جدید (16)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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thanks. wonderful

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That was great...your work could be useful Thanks a lot

Mahsa Roodbaraky
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سپاس فراوان از همه بیان برتری های عزیز که اینقدر تلاش میکنید???

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ممنون عالي بوي

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that's amazing..wowwww
Thanks a lot ?

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thanks a million,that was great

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صبحانه بهتر از این نمیشه
واقعا ممنون از تیم برتر بیان برتر ???

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با عرض سلام و خسته نباشید.
ممنونم که این همه برای ما زحمت میکشید و وقت میگذارید.
امروز من با فیلتر شکن وارد سایت شدم. آیا سایت به این خوبی فیلتر شده؟

سمیه استار
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سلام دوست عزیز سپاس بابت لطفی که به ما دارید. نه مشکلی نیست. شاید به صورت موقت مشکل اینترنت پروایدر شما بوده باشه

دپارتمان ارتباطات
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Impressive job. Quite helpful. Appreciations

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خلاصه من رو هم ريدينگ خوان كرديد ?? سپاس فراوان

انگليش اسپيكر
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Thank you so much for all the readings and videos. All of them are useful for learning English ???

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امروز اول بار بود وارد این بخش شدم
مقالات قبلی تونو خوندم
دستتون واقعا درد نکنه وی آی پی هستید واقعا.
امیدوارم همه اعضای اینجا به اهدافشان برسند.من که سر ده میلیون نشد برم بورسیه دکترامو بخونم

بی پناه
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هر روز صبح مطالب شما را دنبال میکنم.واقعا مشخص هست که زحمت زیادی میکشید و با نهایت دل کار میکنید. تشکر و سپاس ویژه بابت این همه تلاش و خدمات .امیدوارم سبزو سلامت باشید.

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