How You Draw A Circle Is Linked To Your Cultural Upbringing

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How You Draw A Circle Is Linked To Your Cultural Upbringing

Take out a piece of paper (go ahead — we'll wait), then draw a simple circle. Did you draw it clockwise, or counterclockwise? What about location —did you start at the top or the bottom? It might sound crazy, but you can actually learn quite a bit about a person's background from the way they draw a circle. Wait, your circle looks like that? {Play}

What's Your Stroke Order?

Let's start with a couple fun facts: if you're American, there's an 86 percent chance that you draw your circles counterclockwise, while 80 percent of people living in Japan draw their circles in the opposite direction. How do we know? In November 2016, Google released an AI game called "Quick, Draw!" Similar to the game Pictionary, users are given a drawing prompt, then Google's algorithm attempts to guess what your masterpiece is in 20 seconds or less. Quartz then used their data of 119,000 unique circles to reveal how different people draw circles. They discovered that the direction in which you form your circle is surprisingly "linked to geography and cultural upbringing, deep-rooted in hundreds of years of written language, and significant in developmental psychology and trends in education today." Just apply some simple geometry to the data, and voilà! {Play}

There are only two ways to draw a circle—clockwise and counterclockwise—and each nation strongly favors one or the other. But why? It likely comes down to language. Quartz elaborates: "Both Japanese and Chinese scripts follow a strict stroke order. On the whole, characters are drawn from top left in the direction of the bottom right." A 1985 study revealed that a majority of people living in China draw their circles clockwise "perhaps because of the clockwise strokes in semi-cursive Chinese calligraphy." Stroke order is so important in these countries, in fact, that it "can even signal education level." On the flip side, Americans are taught to draw shapes counterclockwise in order to prep their motor movements for "magic c" letter formation—e.g. the curve in letters c, g, q, and o. {Play} 

Your Taps Tell All

What else can you surmise from a circle? Well, there hasn't been much research on shape-drawing in the field of psychology since before 1997, but, as Quartz points out, that might be due to an increase of communication through typing and tapping. If the movements of a pen stroke can mean so much, however, what might we learn about typing in the future? To be continued in 2027. {Play}

[video url="Simon/Breakfast/What-Your-Handwriting-Says-About-You.mp4" poster="/images/videos/Breakfast/How-You-Draw-A-Circle-Is-Linked-To-Your-Cultural-Upbringing.png"]

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مجموعه لغات جدید در این متن

Upbringing: پرورش
Clockwise: جهت عقربه های ساعت

Counterclockwise: خلاف جهت عقربه های ساعت
Prompt: سریع / بی درنگ
Attempt: تلاش
Masterpiece: شاهکار
Reveal: آشکار ساختن
Deep-rooted: ریشه دار
Trend: روند
Elaborate: پیچیده، با دقت ساخته شده، با جزئیات توضیح دادن
Script: رونوشت / سند
Strict: سخت
On the whole: بطور کل
Semi-cursive: خط نیمه پیوسته
Calligraphy: خوشنویسی
On the flip side:
از طرف دیگر
Prep: آماده کردن
Surmise: حدس زدن
Point out: اشاره کردن


ارسال دیدگاه جدید (20)

امتیاز 0 از 5 بر اساس 0 رای
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سلام . ممنون از تدارک این سری پست ها.
چه موضوع جالبی را نمایش دادند. عالی بود.

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با عرض سلام و صبح بخیر.
اون عزیزی که فایل صوتی رو پیدا نکردن مشکلشون حل شد؟ پایان هر پاراگراف یه دایره مشکی هست که توش یه مثلث سفید. دیدین؟ به اون میگن فایل صوتی. روش کلیک کنید و از لهجه بسیار زیبای گویند لذت ببرین

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ممنون از این روحیه کمک رسانی.

دپارتمان ارتباطات
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با سلام. Stroke order به چه معنی است.

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این کلمات از هم جدا هستند. stroke به معنی خط میباشد

دپارتمان ارتباطات
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سلام. به نظر میرسه که کلمه Elaborate در این متن به معنای به تفضیل شرح دادن باشد.

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ممنون اصلاح شد

دپارتمان ارتباطات
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خیلی عالی ممنونم

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سلام - مرسی ممنون- یه واقعیتی هست اینکه من واقعا هر روز صبح منتظر ریدینگهای شما به صورت ناخودآگاه هستم.

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عالی بود مثل همیشه.. دستتون درد نکنه واقعا?

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ممنون از لطفتون

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دمتون گرم

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سلام. خيلي ممنون بابت ريدينگها. فقط دوست عزيزي ك گفتن معني لغات ب صورت انگليسي باشه. ازونجايي ما براي ارتقا نمره ريدينگ مشكل در درك كامل موضوع داريم. بهتره معني لغات ب صورت فارسي باشه ك ب طور كلي درك مطلب رو با ريدينگ هاي شما ميفرستين كار كنيم.

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فایل صوتی نداره که چرا خالی میبندید

مجید کلانتری
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عالی بود .واقعا ممنون

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مثل همیشه فوق العاده بود...دست مریزاد....خدا قوت...

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I think that it is so good if you try to added one question about text in end of each reading .it is only an idea.
In addition it is so better if the meaning of each word will be in english explanation instead of persian meaning.
Thank you.

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خیییییلی ریدینگ هاتون خوبه ممنون

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Fantastic fact

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بسیار هم عالی ✌?????

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