Languages of Care in Narrative Medicine: Words, Space and Time in the Healthcare Ecosystem

(Author) زبان شناسی و ادبیات زبان | Linguistic بازدید: 1252

عنوان :     

Languages of Care in Narrative Medicine: Words, Space and Time in the Healthcare Ecosystem




Maria Giulia Marini



تاریخ انتشار:     


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توضیحات کتاب:

از ویژگی های این کتاب استفاده از مفاهیم مشترک بشری است که به بررسی رابطه ای جدید بین افراد بیمار و مراقبت از آنها می پردازد.

This is a trail-blazing book, bringing health care and “human understanding” closer than ever before. A key feature of the book is the use of shared human concepts (the “Natural Semantic Metalanguage”) which can help humanise the relations between sick people and the caring professions by offering a new “language of care”: Basic Human. It’s a language that facilitates empathy and deep human connection.

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