IELTS the Vocabulary Files: English Usage Advanced Student's Book

(Author) لغات آیلتس | Vocabulary بازدید: 12375

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IELTS the Vocabulary Files: English Usage Advanced Student's Book


IELTS, Vocabulary


Andrew Betsis, Sean Haughton


Global ELT Limited

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توضیحات کتاب:

هدف این مجموعه این است که دانش آموزان بتوانند واژگان خود در زمینه های مختلف گسترش دهند. هر درس به یک موضوع رایج واژگان می پردازد. واژگان توسط انواع تمرینات با تعداد زیادی از تصاویر آموزش داده می شود تا پر جنب و جوش و جذاب تر شوند.

•          The aim of the series is to give students the chance to expand their vocabulary in different areas.
Each unit deals with a common Vocabulary topic; the vocabulary is taught through a variety of exercises with lots of illustrations to make them more lively and interesting.

•          This series can be used as Time Fillers; when teachers have some extra time and they need something to do to help students revise what they have already been taught. Alternatively, it can also be used to help weak students enrich their vocabulary in various common topics.

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