کتاب Advanced Everyday English

(Author) اسپیکینگ آیلتس | Speaking بازدید: 2696

عنوان :     

Advanced Everyday English


IELTS, Preparation


Steven Collins



تاریخ انتشار:     


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توضیحات کتاب:

این کتاب شامل آموزش تمام مهارت های اسپیکینگ آیلتس است. روش تدریس به گونه ای است که دانش آموزان در یک نگاه آن را متوجه شود  و بتواند برای بهبود نمره اسپیکینگ خود از آن استفاده کند.


Once again I have included dialogue and exercises at the end of each chapter, so that you can see how the words are used in free conversation and writing, and test yourself on what you have studied in each chapter. Like the first book, there are three lessons in each chapter and nine chapters in total. My suggestion is to read one lesson a week and then do a revision after finishing each chapter. I hope you enjoy the illustrations too.

When you finish each chapter, you should listen to the CD of the dialogues, which will greatly improve your comprehension of the words and expressions you have studied in that particular chapter. Don’t get depressed if you don’t understand everything first time without the book in front of you. This is perfectly normal. Try again while following the dialogue in the book.

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