Camels With Facelifts And Botox

شترهایی با بوتاکس و جراحی صورت

بازدید: 647
subtitle: شترهایی با بوتاکس و جراحی صورت

Advanced Level

Officials in Saudi Arabia have conducted the biggest-ever crackdown on camels that received Botox injections, according to the state-run press agency. More than 40 entries have been disqualified from the popular King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, which started earlier this month.

The month-long event in the desert north-east of the Saudi capital, Riyadh, invites breeders to compete for a $66m (£50m) prize. Judges decide the winner based on the shape of an animal's head, neck, hump, dress and postures. However, Botox, facelifts and other cosmetic alterations to make camels more attractive are banned.

Thanks to "specialized and advanced" technology, officials have found of breeders had stretched out the lips and noses of camels, used hormones to boost muscles, injected heads and lips with Botox, inflated body parts with rubber bands and used fillers to relax their faces.


 Elementary Level

Officials in Saudi Arabia have taken the most strict measures for camels that had Botox injections, according to a news age agency in the country. More than 40 camels were not allowed to participate in the popular King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, which started earlier this month.

This event which lasts for a month in one of the deserts of the Saudi capital, invites people who breed camels to compete with each other for a prize of 66 million dollars. Judges choose the winner based on the shape of an animal's head, neck, hump, dress and the way they walk. However, Botox, facelifts and other beauty treatments to make camels more attractive are not allowed.

With the help of advanced technology, officials are able to find out if camel owners have made camels’ lips and noses bigger, used hormones to improve muscles, injected Botox, made some body parts bigger and used fillers in their faces.

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