Cobra With Head Stuck In Beer Can Rescued In India

مار کبری ای که در هند سرش در قوطی نوشیدنی گیر کرده بود نجات پیدا کرد

بازدید: 564
subtitle: مار کبری ای که در هند سرش در قوطی نوشیدنی گیر کرده بود نجات پیدا کرد

 Advanced  Level

Animal rescuers in India reported having successfully freed a venomous cobra found with its head stuck inside a discarded beer can.

Rescuers with the Snake Helpline said they were summoned to a village in Odisha's Puri district after local residents came across the 4-foot spectacled cobra with its head stuck inside the opening at the top of an empty beer can.

footage from the scene shows a rescuer using a pair of scissors to carefully cut through the can and free the snake.

Allegedly the cobra suffered only negligible injuries and was treated with an antibiotic spray before being released back into the wild.


Elementary  Level

Animal rescuers in India said they successfully freed a poisonous cobra from a beer can that was thrown away.

Rescuers with the Snake Helpline said they had to visit a village in Odisha's Puri district because local residents had found a 4-foot snake with its head stuck inside the opening at the top of an empty beer can.

A video shows a rescuer using a pair of scissors to carefully open the can and free the snake.

The rescuer said the cobra had only minor injuries and an antibiotic spay was used to treat them. Finally, the snake was released to go back to nature.


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