Snow In Bolivia And Peru

برف در بولیوی و پرو

بازدید: 559
subtitle: برف در بولیوی و پرو

Advanced Level

Rare snowfall fell heavily over parts of Bolivia and Peru last week, blanketing buildings and leaving vehicles stranded.

In Potosi, Bolivia, temperatures dropped below zero, providing the perfect climate for the downpour of snow. Some locals threw snowballs in the town square in delight, while soccer matches were suspended amid the rare snowy conditions. In Arequipa, Peru, snow covered the landscape and blanketed roads into a sheet of ice.

In both South American countries, the climate varies considerably depending on region and altitude. Although temperatures can drop to below zero, snow is uncommon except at the very highest elevations. The cold weather is expected to continue in Bolivia and Peru for the remainder of the week.


Elementary Level

Last week, something unusual happened in South America when snow fell in Bolivia and Peru.

In Bolivia, temperatures dropped below zero, which created perfect conditions for snowfall. Local people were very excited about the snow because they never saw it before. They threw snowballs at each other in the streets.

The situation was similar in Peru where snow covered landscape and roads. The snow stranded cars, and people could not travel.

In both countries, snowfall is not usual, except for the mountain. Temperatures can drop to the below zero, but snow is common at elevations of more than 3,800 meters.

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