Five Actions School Systems Can Take To Support Children’s Outdoor Learning

حمایت از یادگیری در فضای آزاد: پنج اقدامی که سیستم مدارس میتونن اتخاذ کنن

subtitle: حمایت از یادگیری در فضای آزاد: پنج اقدامی که سیستم مدارس میتونن اتخاذ کنن
بازدید: 826

 Advanced level


When children step out of their traditional elementary school classroom to learn outdoors, they experience a wide range of benefits. Outdoor learning is fun, active and fosters creativity and problem solving.

Outdoor spaces are stimulating and offer a variety of ways for children to explore different topics and pursue their own interests. Outdoor learning also teaches children to get to know and take care of their natural environment.

However, despite clear benefits for children and society, teachers still face many barriers when putting outdoor learning into practice.

Teachers face barriers

In a recent study teachers emphasized they were highly motivated to take their students outdoors for learning on a regular basis. However, many felt alone in their approach to teaching and noted substantial barriers in the education system when planning outdoor learning for their students.

Teachers highlighted several barriers: a lack of support from the school principal; a highly structured school schedule that required students to be onsite at all times; parental consent procedures; a required adult-to-student ratio to leave school grounds; a lack of preparedness for teaching outdoors; and families who question the value of outdoor learning.

Overall, teachers said that school policy and mainstream parental views tend to regard outdoor learning as play time, and see it apart from “real school.”

To make outdoor learning more sustainable and to integrate it into school practices, barriers need to be removed and support needs to be in place at all levels of the education system and society. Supports need to be in place at all levels — including support from the school, the school district (board), larger governing structures, as well as from families and communities — to make outdoor learning more sustainable, and to integrate it into school practices.

Some schools and school districts have taken concrete actions that successfully support educators in teaching outdoors. These actions are important as they pave the way for regular and sustainable outdoor learning in elementary schools. Here is what schools and school districts can to do to support outdoor learning:

1. Prepare teachers

Many teachers have a keen interest in outdoor learning but feel unprepared for teaching outdoors. Preparing teachers for outdoor learning includes regular professional development opportunities in schools and school districts and access to a community of educators involved in outdoor learning.

Through professional development, teachers learn how to plan lessons for outdoor learning. In a community of practitioners, teachers share experiences about outdoor learning, celebrate successes and support each other when they face problems. Experienced teachers act as mentors by sharing successful strategies and providing guidance for other teachers who are newer to leading lessons outdoors.

Ultimately, preparation for outdoor learning needs to be integrated into teacher education programs to prepare teachers early in their careers when they are beginning to develop and refine their teaching routines.

2. Simplify guardian consent

The requirement to obtain separate guardian consent for each outdoor learning trip makes spontaneous trips outdoors unfeasible. Several school districts now accept year-long consent forms in which guardians can consent for their children to participate in neighbourhood walks at any given time during the school year.

Standingconsent for outdoor activities in the neighbourhood is key so that teachers can plan outdoor learning freely during the school year.

3. Include support teachers

School policies mandate that specific adult-to-child ratios are met when teachers leave school grounds with their students. Ratios vary depending on children’s ages and needs. Where families face few socio-economic barriers in being connected with the school and attending school activities — for example, where parents or guardians speak English and have flexible schedules — teachers can often rely on adult family members to volunteer as supervising adults for outdoor learning.

4. Allocate funding

School districts need to allocate funding for outdoor learning. This includes providing resources for: a district specialist for outdoor learning who can mentor and prepare other teachers. Reliable funding is essential for creating sustainable outdoor learning practices in schools.

5. Advocate for outdoor learning

Many adults have no experience with outdoor learning. A common view of learning is that it takes place in an indoor and classroom-based setting. It’s important that educators, families and children who witness the successes of outdoor learning share their experiences and advocate for more.

Educating the public about outdoor learning changes public perception of what learning looks like in schools.

The growing interest in outdoor learning over the past years is promising. Some schools have questioned the traditional indoor classroom as a best format for teaching and learning and developed a school culture that prioritizes outdoor learning as a method of teaching.

میخوای زبانت رو شروع کنی؟

اگه از صفر میخوای شروع کنی، اینجا رو کلیک کن و از توی دوره‌ها، سطح IntroA رو ثبت نام کن. ده ماه دیگه تمومش میکنی.ثبت نام

اما اگه قبلا زبان خوندی، از این لینک استفاده کن و یه بیست دقیقه برای تعیین سطح وقت بذار. تعیین سطحمون هم هیجان انگیزه. تعیین سطح

اگر هم اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد کلاسها و نحوه تدریس میخواد برو توی صفحه زیر، همه اطلاعاتش هست. صفحه WIKI


Elementary level


When children leave their traditional elementary school classroom to learn outdoors, they experience a variety of benefits. Outdoor learning is fun, active and helps creativity and problem solving.

Outdoor spaces are exciting and offer a variety of ways for children to explore different topics and pursue their own interests. Outdoor learning also teaches children to get to know and take care of their natural environment.

However, despite clear benefits for children and society, teachers still face many problems when doing outdoor activities.

Teachers face problems

In a recent study teachers emphasized they were very motivated to take their students outdoors for learning on a regular basis. However, many felt alone in their approach to teaching and mentioned serious problems in the education system when planning outdoor learning for their students.

Teachers highlighted several problems: a lack of support from the school principal; a very organized school schedule that required students to always be at school; lack of outdoor clothes for all-weather learning; parental permission procedures; a required number of adults to go with students; a lack of preparedness for teaching outdoors; and families who question the value of outdoor learning.

Overall, teachers said that school policy and accepted parental views often consider outdoor learning as play time, and see it apart from “real school.”

To make outdoor learning more sustainable and to combine it with school practices, problems need to be solved and support needs to be at all levels of the education system and society. Supports need to be at all levels — including support from the school, the school district (board), larger governing structures, as well as from families and communities — to make outdoor learning more sustainable, and to combine it with school practices.

Some schools and school districts successfully support educators in teaching outdoors. These actions are important as they make regular and sustainable outdoor learning in elementary schools possible. Here is what schools and school districts can to do to support outdoor learning:

1. Prepare teachers

Many teachers are interested in outdoor learning but feel unprepared for teaching outdoors. Preparing teachers for outdoor learning includes regular professional development opportunities in schools and school districts and access to a community of educators involved in outdoor learning.

Through professional development, teachers learn how to plan lessons for outdoor learning. Teachers share experiences about outdoor learning, celebrate successes and support each other when they face problems. Experienced teachers act as mentors by sharing successful strategies and providing guidance for other teachers who are newer to giving lessons outdoors.

finally, preparation for outdoor learning needs to be combined with teacher education programs to prepare teachers early in their careers when they are beginning to develop and improve their teaching routines.

2. Make parental permission easier

The requirement to get separate parental permission for each outdoor learning trip makes sudden trips outdoors impossible. Several schools now accept year-long permission forms in which parents can allow their children to participate in neighbourhood walks at any time during the school year.

Permission for outdoor activities in the neighbourhood whenever they want is necessary so that teachers can plan outdoor learning freely during the school year.

3. Include support teachers

Because of school policies; a specific number of adults must go with students. The number of adults depends on children’s ages and needs. Where families face few socio-economic problems in being connected with the school and attending school activities — for example, where parents or guardians speak English and have flexible schedules — teachers can often rely on adult family members to volunteer as supervising adults for outdoor learning.

4. Allocate funding

Schools need to allocate funding for outdoor learning. This includes providing resources for: a specialist for outdoor learning who can teach and prepare other teachers. Reliable funding is essential for creating sustainable outdoor learning practices in schools.

5. Support outdoor learning

Many adults have no experience with outdoor learning. A common view of learning is that it happens in a classroom. It’s important that educators, families and children who witness the successes of outdoor learning share their experiences and support it.

Educating the public about outdoor learning changes the way the public think about what learning looks like in schools.

The growing interest in outdoor learning over the past years is promising. Some schools had doubts about the traditional indoor classroom as a best format for teaching and learning and developed a school culture that considers outdoor learning as a method of teaching very important.

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 ترجمه فارسی

حمایت از یادگیری در فضای آزاد: پنج اقدامی که سیستم مدارس میتونن اتخاذ کنن

وقتی بچه ها از کلاس سنتی مدارس ابتدایی بیرون میرن تا در فضای آزاد یاد بگیرن، از مزایای زیادی بهرمند میشن. یادگیری در فضای باز سرگرم کننده و پر جنب و جوشه و باعث خلاقیت و حل مسئله میشه.

فضاهای باز مهیج هستن و راه های زیادی به بچه ها یاد میدن تا موضوعات متفاوت رو بررسی کنن و علایقشون رو دنبال کنن. یادگیری در فضای باز همچنین به بچه ها یاد میده تا با محیط طبیعیشون آشنا شن و ازش مراقبت کنن.

با این حال، با وجود مزایای واضحی که برای بچه ها و جامعه داره، معلم ها هنوز با موانع زیادی مواجه میشن وقتی یادگیری در فضای باز رو اجرا میکنن.

معلم ها با موانعی مواجه میشن

در مطالعه اخیر معلم ها تأکید کردن که خیلی انگیزه دارن برای این که دانش آموزانشون رو مرتب برای یاد گیری به فضای باز ببرن. اما، خیلی‌هاشون در این رویکرد نسبت به تدریس احساس تنهایی کردن و به موانع مهمی در سیستم آموزشی هنگام برنامه یزی یادگیری در فضای باز برای دانش آموزان اشاره کردن.

معلم ها موانع بسیاری رو مشخص کردن: عدم حمایت مدیر مدرسه، یه برنامه درسی بسیار ساختارمند که لازم است دانش آموزان همیشه در محیط مدرسه باشن، روال رضایت والدین، تعداد مشخص بزرگسالان نسبت به دانش آموزان برای ترک مدرسه، فقدان آمادگی برای تدریس در فضای باز، و خانواده هایی که ارزش یادگیری در فضای باز رو زیر سوال میبرن.

در کل، معلم ها گفتن که سیاست مدرسه و سیاست مدرسه و دیدگاه های متداول والدین اغلب یادگیری در فضای باز رو بازی میدونن و جدا از «مدرسه واقعی» میبینن.

برای این که یادگیری در فضای باز پایدارتر شه و با فعالیت های مدرسه ادغام شه موانع باید رفع شن و در تمام سطوح سیستم آموزشی و جامعه حمایت شه. حمایت در تمام سطوح لازمه - شامل حمایت مدرسه، منطقه (هیئت مدیره)، ساختار های بزرگ تر حاکم، به علاوه خانواده ها و جوامع - تا یادگیری در فضای باز پایدارتر شه و با فعالیت های مدرسه ادغام شه.

برخی مدارس و مناطق اقدامات ملموس رو اتخاذ کردن که با موفقیت از دبیران در تدریس در فضای باز حمایت میکنن. این اقدامات مهم اند چون مسیر رو برای یادگیری در فضای باز رو برای مدارس ابتدایی پایدار و منظم هموار میکنن. این کاریه که مدارس و مناطق میتونن برای حمایت از یادگیری در فضای باز انجام بدن:

1. آماده کردن معلم ها

خیلی از معلم ها علاقه شدید به یادگیری در فضای باز دارن اما احساس میکنن براش آمادگی ندارن. آماده کردن معلم ها برای یادگیری در فضای باز شامل فرصت های توسعه منظم تخصصی در مدارس و مناطق و دسترسی به جامعه دبیران است که با این نوع آموزش سر و کار دارن.

با توسعه تخصصی، معلم ها یاد میگیرن که چطور برای درس ها برنامه ریزی کنن. در جامعه متخصصین، معلم ها تجربیات خود را درباره یادگیری در فضای باز به اشتراک میذارن، موفقیت ها رو جشن میگیرن و وقتی با مشکلی روبرو میشن، از همدیگه حمایت میکنن. معلم های با تجربه با به اشتراک گذاتن استراتژی های موفق و راهنمایی کردن معلم های تازه کار در آموزش در فضای باز به عنوان منتور عمل میکنند.

در نهایت آماده سازی برای آموزش در فضای باز باید در برنامه آموزشی معلم ادغام شه تا اون ها رو در ابتدای کارشون برای توسعه و آماده کنه.روتین تدرین اون ها رو اصلاح کنه.

2. ساده سازی اجازه از سرپرست

نیاز به اجازه گرفتن جداگانه از سرپرست برای هر سفر به فضای باز، سفرهای بدون برنامه ریزی رو غیرممکن میکنه. بسیاری مناطق در حال حاضر فرم های مجوز یک ساله رو قبول میکنن که در اون ها سرپرست میتونه اجازه بده فرزندانش در هر زمانی از سال تحصیلی در محله بیرون بره.

رضایت نامه دائمی برای فعالیت های در فضای باز در محله مهمه چون معلم ها میتونن آزادانه در طول سال تحصیلی برنامه ریزی کنن.

3. استفاده از معلم های حامی

سیاست های مدرسه حکم میکنن که وقتی معلم ها با دانش آموزانشون از مدرسه خارج میشن، یه تعداد مشخصی از بزرگسالان نسبت به بچه ها باید رعایت شه  این نسبت نسبت به سن بچه ها و نیازهاشون متفاوته. جایی که خانواده ها موانع اجتماعی-اقتصادی ناچیزی در ارتباط با مدرسه و شرکت در فعالیت های مدرسه دارن – مثلاً جایی که والدین یا سرپرستان انگلیسی صحبت میکنن و برنامه های منعطفی دارن – معلم ها اغلب میتونن به بزرگسالان خانواده تکیه کنن که برای نظارت بر آموزش در فضای باز داوطلب بشن.

4. بودجه اختصاص دادن

لازمه مناطق به آموزش در فضای باز بودجه اختصاص بدن. این شامل فراهم کردن منابع برای متخصص برای آموزش در فضای باز میشه که بتونه منتور بقیه باشه و سایر معلم ها رو آماده کنه.

تأمین مالی قابل اطمینان برای ایجاد آموزش در فضای باز پایدار در مدارس حیاتیه.

5. حمایت از آموزش در فضای باز

خیلی از بزرگسالان تجربه آموزش در فضای باز رو ندارن. یه دیدگاه معمول از یادگیری اینه که یادگیری در فضای بسته و در کلاس اتفاق میافته. مهم که دبیران، خانواده ها و بچه هایی که شاهد موفقیت یادگیری در فضای باز هستن تجربیات خودشون رو به اشتراک بذارن و ازش طرفداری کنن.

آموزش عمومی درباره یادگیری در فضای باز درک عمومی از این که یادگیری در مدارس به چه شکل هست رو تغییر میده.

علاقه روزافزون به یادگیری در فضای باز در سال های اخیر امید بخشه. بعضی مدارس کلاس های سنتی در فضای بسته رو به عنوان بهترین شکل تدریس و یادگیری زیر سوال بردند و فرهنگی رو پرورش دادند که اولویت آن آموزش در فضای باز به عنوان متد تدریس است.

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