Love Addiction

اعتیاد به عشق

بازدید: 1941
subtitle: اعتیاد به عشق

Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-57-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


The idea of being addicted to love may seem crazy. However, love addiction is real. Many people struggle with this lesser-known addiction. A love addiction can be defined as a maladaptive, pervasive, and excessive interest in one or more romantic partners. The love addict can feel a lack of control, lose interest in other things they normally enjoy, and experience a variety of negative consequences. Like people who are addicted to food, love addicts cannot reasonably be expected to abstain from giving and receiving love, but they can learn to manage the addictive behavior. Here are the signs you need to know.

  • Do you find it intolerable when a partner puts even a little distance between you? That level of pain and anxiety is disproportionate to the situation and can indicate a love addiction.
  • People experiencing love addiction generally subscribe to a belief that their love can overcome anything. They believe in the power of love to a degree that would allow the person to believe that they can have their desired results with the other person.
  • Often, people who are struggling with a love addiction do not feel OK unless they are in a relationship. That can cause them to jump from one unhealthy relationship to another.
  • If you have an overwhelming fear of never being loved or never being in a relationship again, you are experiencing love addiction. A fear of being left, abandoned, or being ‘alone forever’ oftentimes hinders love-addicted people from rationally evaluating their relationship.


Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-57-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


Being addicted to love may seem crazy. However, love addiction is real. Many people have difficulty with this addiction. It is not as well-known as other addictions. A love addiction means an interest in one or more romantic partners. This interest cannot be adjusted. It exists everywhere and is not reasonable. The love addict may not have control. They may lose interest in other things they normally enjoy, and experience a lot of negative results. Like food addicts, you shouldn’t expect love addicts to not give and receive love, but they can learn to manage the addictive behavior. Here are the signs you need to know.

  • Is it difficult for you to be a little far away from your partner? That level of pain and worry is too much. It can be a sign of a love addiction.
  • Love addicts usually believe that their love can solve any problem. They believe in the power of love so much. So, they believe that they can have their desired results with the other person.
  • Often, love addicts think a relationship makes them feel OK. So, they jump from one unhealthy relationship to another.
  • Do you have a great fear of never being loved or never being in a relationship again? Then you are experiencing love addition. A fear of being left, or being ‘alone forever’ often makes it difficult for love-addicted people to rationally judge how good their relationship is.


ترجمه فارسی

تصور اعتیاد به عشق ممکنه دیوونه کننده به نظر برسه، با این حال، اعتیاد به عشق یه موضوع کاملا واقعیه. خیلی از مردم با این اعتیادِ کمتر شناخته شده دست و پنجه نرم می کنن.

اعتیاد به عشق رو میشه به عنوان علاقه ناهنجار، نافذ و بیش از حد به یک یا چند شریک تعریف کرد.

معتاد به عشق احساس عدم کنترل میکنه، علاقه خودش رو به چیزهای دیگه ای که معمولاً ازشون لذت می بره از دست میده و پیامدهای منفی بسیاری رو تجربه میکنه. دقیقا مثل افرادی که به غذا معتادن، نمی شه از معتادان به عشق خیلی منطقی انتظار داشت که از دادن و پذیرش یا دریافت عشق خودداری کنن، اما اونا میتونن یاد بگیرن که رفتار اعتیاد آورشون رو مدیریت کنن.

اینجا به نشونه هایی اشاره میکنیم که بهتره بدونین.

  • آیا اینکه شریکتون فاصله حتی خیلی کمی بینتون میندازه براتون غیرقابل تحمله؟ این سطح از درد و اضطراب خیلی با این موقعیت همخوانی نداره و می تونه نشون دهنده اعتیاد به عشق باشه.
  • افرادی که اعتیاد به عشق رو تجربه می کنن، عموماً این باور رو دارن که عشق اونا بر هر چیزی غلبه میکنه. اونا تا حدی به قدرت عشق اعتقاد دارن که به معشوق اجازه میدن باور کنه که می تونه نتایج دلخواه خودش رو از طریق طرف مقابل به دست بیاره.
  • اغلب افرادی که با اعتیاد به عشق دست و پنجه نرم می کنن، احساس خوبی ندارن مگه اینکه در یک رابطه باشن. این می تونه باعث بشه که اونا از یک رابطه ناسالم به رابطه دیگه برن.
  • اگه از اینکه دوست داشته نشین یا دیگه در یه رابطه قرار نگیرین میترسین، شما دچار اعتیاد به عشق هستین. ترس از رها شدن، ترک شدن، یا "برای همیشه تنها" موندن افراد معتاد به عشق رو اغلب از ارزیابی منطقی رابطه دور میکنه.

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