در این ویدیو به بررسی متداول ترین تاپیک های بخش رایتینگ تسک 2 آزمون آیلتس می پردازیم.
دوازده تم متداول در آزمون آیلتس و لغات مرتبط به آنها را در مجموعه Core Vocab زیر می توانید مشاهده کنید.
این مجموعه لغات، براساس تم های مورد نیاز برای بخش Writing در نظر گرفته شده است. هر تم در مجموع 36 لغت پرکاربرد از آن تم را که می توانید در نوشته های مرتبط استفاده نمایید، به همراه مثال، طرز استفاده درست و اشتباهات رایج مربوط به آنها در خود جای داده است.
همچنین برروی موضوعات زیر به عنوان متداول ترین موضوعات رایتینگ در سالهای اخیر بررسی کنید:
- Art
- censorship of art and artists
- creativity
- art at school
- the benefits of art for individuals and society
- funding
- Business & Money
- small vs large business
- international business
- family run business
- management and leadership
- success in business
- business and technology
- skills vs knowledge for business
- materialism and consumerism
- Communication & Personality
- technology and communication
- family and communication
- face to face vs long distance communication
- types of communication
- the development of character and personality
- innate or developed personalities
- female / male characters
- Crime & Punishment
- prisons vs rehabilitation
- capital punishment vs other types of punishment
- criminals – what makes a criminal
- major vs minor crime
- crime and technology
- teenagers and crime
- role of policemen
- men and women in law enforcement
- Economics
- cash vs credit cards
- saving vs spending
- globalisation and economy
- world economic issues
- economic progress and success
- Education
- children and education
- relevant subjects
- education and technology
- role of teachers
- discipline and rules in school
- single-sex schools
- uniforms
- funding
- educational aid to poorer countries
- Environment
- animals
- protection of endangered species
- zoos
- environmental problems
- saving the environment & solving problems
- government vs individual roles
- Family & Children
- family roles
- family size
- the generation gap
- discipline
- role models
- family and education
- Food
- health diets
- education of diet
- traditional vs modern diets
- fast food
- children and diet
- Art
- Health
- prevention vs cure
- funding
- health and education
- poor countries and rich countries
- health aid
- dealing with global epidemics
- hospitals and treatment
- obesity
- exercise and health
- Language
- having only one language in the world
- methods of language learning
- travel and language
- the disappearance of languages
- language and culture
- Media & Advertising
- censorship, control and freedom of speech
- advertising methods
- children and advertising
- media and technology
- news & reporting
- Other Common Essay Topics
- Space Exploration
- Water and Oceans
- Change or Moving vs Stability and Constancy
- Reading
- paper books vs ebooks
- children and reading
- books in education
- libraries
- reading and leisure
- Technology
- controlling the internet
- socialising online
- children and technology (safety)
- the change in society
- letter vs email
- storing data
- safety of personal information
- hacking
- Transport
- development of infrastructure
- comparing forms of transport
- problems with modern forms of transport
- environmental issues
- Travel
- culture and travel
- understanding people and travel
- living in a global world
- Society
- overpopulation
- poverty
- homeless people
- crime on the streets
- modern life styles
- budget spending
- public services
- Sport
- professionals vs amateurs
- salary
- equipment
- sport and learning
- sport as a school subject
- men vs women in sport
- types of sport
- Work
- shift work
- women in work
- types of jobs (blue collar / white collar)
- children and exploitation
- part time work
- work and technology
- employment
- salary
- equality
- Health