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قسمت چهارم- Advantage/Disadvantage Type Essays



سوالات Advantage/Disadvantage شباهت بسیار زیادی به سوالات بررسی شده در جلسات قبل دارند. اما باید به تفاوت های ریز آنها نیز دقت داشت. ابتدا نگاهی داشته باشیم به دو نمونه از این سوالات:

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and the government should encourage businesses to move from cities to rural areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


در ارتباط با تفاوت این دو نوع سوال و چگونگی نوشتن آنها در ویدیو به طور کامل بحث کرده ایم. فقط حواستان باشد، اگر در داخل سوال گفته شده باشد که فقط مزایا و معایب را بررسی کنید، به هیچ عنوان نبایست نظر شخصی بدهید.  

سمپل شماره یک:

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Evidence suggests that a growing number of holidaymakers tend to vacation in places with an inhospitable environment. Although there are a number of drawbacks involved in this trend, the benefits accruing to tourists are by no means negligible.

On the plus side, the advantages for the people flocking to these spots are manifold. To begin with, learning to deal with a hostile climate or difficult circumstances enables these people to be prepared for facing demanding situations in real life. Simply put, they lay the groundwork for the emergence of many valuable attributes that can help individuals rise to a challenge. Take patience which is an uncommon quality as an example; the more one travels to these challenging attractions, the more patient and calm they are bound to appear in face of crises such as financial problems. People, furthermore, can gain invaluable experience and expand their horizons by leaving their comfort zone and taking new risks.

However, the downside cannot be ignored. The most axiomatic argument is concerned with the visitors’ safety. That is to say, because these areas are habitat for countless species, they are normally teeming with wild animals who may prey on humans. Considering that the chief aim of these adventurous tourists is to visit natural habitats of certain animals from up close, they are prone to physical injury. A good illustration of this is visiting Cheetahs which are incredibly fast and can outrun any other living creature in the world. Moreover, when these people are addicted to the adrenaline rush, they may simply rob themselves of the sense of joy, as other future experiences are highly unlikely to live up to their raised expectations and prove as fascinating as an excursion to a remote island or a safari in Africa.

To conclude, risky trips to places with extreme or harsh conditions can be both rewarding and problematic. While they might help shape travelers’ personality and experience, people’s health and security may be put in jeopardy and they are likely to overshadow the upcoming events in one’s life.

سمپل شماره دو:

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. Do the advantages for tourists who visit such places outweigh the disadvantages?

Evidence suggests that a growing number of holidaymakers tend to vacation in places with an inhospitable environment. Although there are a number of benefits accruing to tourists, I believe the drawbacks involved are more.

On the plus side, there are some advantages for the people flocking to these spots. To begin with, learning to deal with a hostile climate or difficult circumstances enables these people to be prepared for facing demanding situations in real life. Simply put, they lay the groundwork for the emergence of many valuable attributes that can help individuals rise to a challenge. Take patience which is an uncommon quality as an example; the more one travels to these challenging attractions, the more patient and calm they are bound to appear in face of crises such as financial problems. People, furthermore, can gain invaluable experience and expand their horizons by leaving their comfort zone and taking new risks.

However, travelling to these places has serious consequences. The most axiomatic argument is concerned with the visitors’ safety. That is to say, because these areas are habitat for countless species, they are normally teeming with wild animals who may prey on humans. Considering that the chief aim of these adventurous tourists is to visit natural habitats of certain animals from up close, they are prone to physical injury. A good illustration of this is visiting Cheetahs which are incredibly fast and can outrun any other living creature in the world. Moreover, when these people are addicted to the adrenaline rush, they may simply rob themselves of the sense of joy, as other future experiences are highly unlikely to live up to their raised expectations and prove as fascinating as an excursion to a remote island or a safari in Africa.

To conclude, regardless of benefits, I think risky trips to places with extreme or harsh conditions can be more problematic for people as their health and security may be put in jeopardy and they are likely to overshadow the upcoming events in one’s life.

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