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قسمت دوم- Opinion Essays

امروز به بررسی اولین و پرتکرارترین نوع از سوالات آزمون آیلتس، یعنی سوالات Opinion Type می پردازیم. دو نمونه از این سوالات را در قسمت زیر خواهید دید:

Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?



آیا برای این رایتینگ ها فقط به یک طرف بپردازیم و یا به دو طرف بحث باید پرداخته شود؟

آیا می توان یکطرفه نوشت و نظر کاملا موافق یا مخالف داد؟

وقتی ساختار سوال از شما می پرسد To What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree یعنی می توانید کاملا موافق یا مخالف باشید:

    I completely agree…

    I wholeheartedly agree…

    I disagree entirely…

اما نوشتن دو طرف موضوع نیز می تواند درست باشد. یعنی می توانید بگویید تا حدودی موافق و مخالف هستید:

    I agree somewhat…

    I partly disagree…

    I can neither completely agree nor disagree with this statement because…

بنابراین نوشتن هر دو مدل مورد قبول است. اما به دلیل اینکه داشتن یک موضع گیری پایدار برای مدل کاملا موافق/مخالف ساده تر است، پیشنهاد می شود از مدل اول استفاده کنید.

در ادامه سه سمپل برای این موضوعات مشاهده میکنید:

سمپل شماره یک:

Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

There is an opinion asserting that a lot can be inferred from the way people choose to dress. These interpretations can provide us with insights into others’ personality and cultural background. I, however, disagree with the given statement on the basis of financial constraints and mandatory social conventions.

To begin with, the main reason is that financial circumstances are a determining factor when fashion is concerned. To put it another way, regardless of one’s taste in fashion, they are compelled to keep within their budget when purchasing a garment. This in turn excludes many options from someone’s shopping list simply because they may not be able to afford it even if the item is appealing. Take designer clothes which are astronomically expensive for example; they are normally affordable for only the privileged few and not others.

Having said that, however, budget constraints are not the only causative factor in this respect. Another compelling argument against basing our judgment on one’s choice of attire as a clear indicator of their identity is that in many regions people have to conform to some established conventions. That is to say, these social norms have been around for so long that flouting them is considered the same as defying the law. A good illustration of this is clearly delineated by Islamic countries where Hijab is compulsory and not a matter of personal choice or freewill. Therefore, judging someone based on what they are wearing seems illogical and unfair.

To conclude, I personally take the view that it is ethically unacceptable to interpret one’s character or culture based on how they appear. This is mainly because our choices are usually restricted by deciding factors such as our financial status and the norm or law which may or may not be approved by all. (298 words)


سمپل شماره دو:

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is often argued that eliminating the language barrier for expatriates is a demanding task, resulting in major difficulties in social interactions and everyday situations. Having said that, however, I completely disagree with the given assertion on the basis of some compelling reasons.

Firstly, it is beyond doubt that recent pedagogical approaches have revolutionized the way learners are taught a foreign language, thereby facilitating communication. That is, linguists and language experts nowadays place a great emphasis on fluency rather than accuracy which enables non-native speakers to convey their intended message more effortlessly. A good illustration of this paradigm shift in linguistics is the emergence of communicative language teaching methods which as the name suggests focus on getting across the meaning successfully. With this end in view, communication in a second language or a lingua franca is no longer seen as an insurmountable barrier for the people living abroad.

Secondly, modern lifestyle has minimized and even obviated the need to speak with others when carrying out daily and necessary tasks. To put it differently, it is no longer required to have face to face contact with the people in charge to get what we want. Take self-service stores which are common throughout the world for example; regardless of the language they speak, customers have the possibility to purchase their groceries and other basics without even having to talk with anyone. Therefore, even foreigners can live overseas without feeling obliged to use their linguistic abilities.

To conclude, it is my firm conviction that speaking another language apart from one’s mother tongue in a foreign country is highly unlikely to create severe problems. This is mainly because teaching techniques have improved significantly and people are no longer forced to communicate with others when receiving a service or making a purchase.


سمپل شماره سه:

Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

These days, the government spends a large part of its budget not only on public services, but also the arts. Although I agree that it is important to spend money on public services, I do not think spending on the arts is a waste of money.

There are several reasons for spending a significant amount of the government budget on public services. First and foremost, public services are the things such as hospitals, roads and schools, and these things determine the quality of life that most of us will have. For example, if the government does not spend enough money on hospitals, the health of our society may decline. Similarly, if not enough money is spent on schools, our children may not be properly educated. Also, it will be the poor in our society that will be affected more if we do not spend enough on these things because they are the ones more dependent on such services.

However, this does not mean that the arts should be completely neglected. To begin, it is difficult for many arts institutions to generate much profit, so without some help from the government, many theatres and other such places may have to close. Moreover, the arts also have an important impact on our quality of life. Many people get great pleasure in going to see music and theatre performances so it is important that the government assists such institutions so that they can continue to provide entertainment to the public.

To sum up, there are clear benefits of ensuring a large amount of investment goes into public services as this influences the quality of life for nearly all of us. However, I do not believe spending money on the arts is a waste of money as this too provides important benefits.


بنابراین دو ساختار زیر برای این رایتینگ های Opinion Type پیشنهاد می شود:

Completely Agree/Disagree

    Introduction – Paraphrase Question and State Your Opinion

    Body Paragraph 1 – 1st reason why I Agree/Disagree

    Body Paragraph 2 – 2nd reason why I Agree/Disagree

    Conclusion – Restate Your Opinion and Reasons

Somewhat Agree/Disagree

    Introduction –  Paraphrase Question and State Your Opinion

    Body Paragraph 1 – State why You somewhat Agree

    Body Paragraph 2 – State why You somewhat Disagree

    Conclusion – Restate Opinion and Reasons

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