(Author) online speaking بازدید: 871

جلسه هفتم: مقایسه و نکات آن ...

 the 7th session

[audio url="images/audio/online-speaking/the-7th-session.mp3" volume="100"]

دانلود فایل صوتی جلسه هفتم آنلاین اسپیکینگ

♒️اين يكي از متداولترين نوع سئوالات در بخش سوم است و معمولاً اولين يا دومين سئوال را به خود اختصاص ميدهد . اين نوع سئوالات ممكن است صورت متفاوتي داشته باشند:

▫️Are houses nowadays the same as houses 30 years ago in your country?

▫️Do women and men like the same types of books?
▫️Do old and young people like the same holidays?

▫️Are houses in North Iran the same as houses in South Iran?

♒️اگرچه اين سئوالات كمي با هم متفاوت هستند، اما يك جواب مشابه نياز دارند. مهمترين چيزي كه بايد به خاطر داشته باشيد آنست كه براي "اختلاف هايی" كه توضيح مي دهيد نمره نميگريد. بنابراين سعي نكنيد فقط اختلاف ها را ليست كنيد. براي پاسخ به اين سئوالات بايد از ساختارهاي مقايسه اي استفاده نماييد.

▫️"Do men and women like the same hobbies?"
"I think men and women like different hobbies, for example men are fond of many types of sporting activities such as football and basketball. Also they prefer things like watching action movies and going to bars, but women like hobbies such as shopping, watching TV, singing and chatting online."


▫️در اين جواب تنها تفاوت هاي بين سرگرمي ها ذكر شده است و تمركز آن برروي محتواست و زبان مقايسه اي را براي اين نوع سئوالات لازم است، پرورش نمي دهد.

?حال به پاسخ زير توجه كنيد:

▫️"Well obviously there are a number of clear differences. However, I guess that the most significant would be that men tend to prefer sporting activities such as football or basketball, whereas in contrast women prefer things like shopping for clothes. In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that men usually like watching films; while on the other hand, women are more likely to prefer watching soap operas on TV."

▫️دومين جواب نيز همان محتويات جواب اول را دارد، با اين تفاوت كه در آن از ساختارهاي مقايسه اي استفاده شده است .

▫️on the other hand
▫️in contrast
▫️Well obviously…
▫️Well clearly …
▫️Sure, without a doubt…
▫️Well undoubtedly…
▫️Well unmistakably …

▪️حال بايد به برخي تفاوت ها اشاره نماييد:

▫️There are a number of underlying differences here.
▫️There are a variety of possible differences here.
▫️There are a range of potential distinctions here.

▪️حال اولين تقاوت را بيان كنيد:

▫️However, I guess that the most significant would be that …
▫️Though I suppose that the most obvious would be that …
▫️But I would say the most fundamental would be that …

?حال از يك جمله براي توصيف اولين تفاوت استفاده كنيد. به عنوان مثال:

▫️"… men tend to prefer …"

?حال از اولين ساختار مقايسه اي خود استفاده نماييد:

▫️Whereas on the other hand …
▫️On the contrary…
▫️Though quite the opposite …
▫️While on the other hand, …
▫️Alternatively, …
▫️Conversely, …
▫️Then again, in opposition …

?بدين ترتيب اولين تفاوت را تمام ميكنيد. حال مي توانيد تفاوت دوم را شروع كنيد:

▫️In addition, …
▫️Additionally, …
▫️As well as this, …
▫️On top of this …
▫️Moreover, …
▫️After that ...

♒️ سپس بگوييد يك تفاوت مهم ديگر نيز وجود دارد:

▫️… a second key distinction would be that …
▫️… a subsequent contrast could be that …
▫️… a further distinction might be that …


♒️ IT'S YOUR TURN: ???

Now answer to these Questions...
"Try NOT to write your answers down,JST try to Record your Voice... "

▫️Are schools nowadays the same as schools in the past?
▫️Are TV programmes nowadays the same as TV programmes in the past?
▫️Are restaurants nowadays the same as restaurants in the past?
▫️Are free-time activities nowadays the same as 20 years ago in your country?
▫️Are shops nowadays the same as shops when you were younger?
▫️Are trips nowadays the same as trips that your parents had when they were young?
▫️In what ways are magazines different to newspaper?
▫️Do adults and children make friends in the same way?
▫️Are families nowadays the same as families in the past?
▫️Are buildings nowadays the same as buildings 100 years ago?
▫️Is public transport nowadays the same as public transport 20 years ago?
▫️Do old and young people like the same hobbies?
▫️Do men and women have the same attitudes to shopping?
▫️Do people nowadays eat the same food as people 50 years ago?
▫️Is the weather in North Iran the same as the weather in South Iran?

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