
بازدید: 3442

Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-75-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-75-2-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


When self-care is spoken about, people tend to only talk about hot baths and face masks. While that’s great, there’s so much more to taking care of yourself than those things. When we talk about self-care here, we mean taking on small habits that will help you both physically and mentally. This might sound like a big commitment that takes a lot of effort, but we assure you it’s not. These things are here to help you reduce stress, improve your sleep quality, and make you feel better overall. We’ve gathered a list of things you can take on!

Go For A Walk

Did you know that being outside regulates the body and reduces stress? Being outside in nature for just 10 minutes a day can drastically improve your health! Not to mention, walking is also a great thing for the body and mind.

Drink More Water

You’d be surprised at the difference it makes when you drink enough water. When you’re dehydrated, you tend to get tired, groggy, and irritated more easily, to name a few. Carry a water bottle around with you to make sure you meet your goals.

Light A Candle

This sounds like it wouldn’t do anything, but having a candle or two burning can change the entire atmosphere of a room. It makes it feel more cozy, comforting, and homey.

Cook Yourself A Meal

Learn how to make a few staple meals you love and cook them on a regular basis. Aside fromsaving you money, this will be a much healthier option than eating out or buying ready-made food.

Stand Up Regularly

Throughout the day, make sure you’re getting up every now and then – preferably once an hour – to make sure you aren’t too sedentary.

 How do you take care of yourself? Don’t forget to leave us a comment. your-turn.jpg






Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-75-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-75-2-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


When we talk about self-care, people often only talk about hot baths and face masks. That’s great, but taking care of yourself means more than those things. Self-care means having small habits that will help you physically and mentally. This might seem like a big promise that takes a lot of effort, but we guarantee that it’s not. These things can reduce your stress, improve your sleep quality, and make you feel better. We have gathered a list of things you can do!

Go For A Walk

Did you know that being outside controls the body and reduces stress? Being outside in nature for just 10 minutes a day can improve your health a lot! Also, walking is a great thing for the body and mind.

Drink More Water

Drinking enough water is surprisingly good for the body. When you lose too much water from your body, you often get tired, weak, and annoyed more easily. Carry a water bottle around with you to make sure you meet your goals.

Light A Candle

This doesn’t seem useful, but burning some candles can change the whole atmosphere of a room. It makes it feel more cozycomforting, and homey.

Cook Yourself A Meal

Learn how to make a few staple meals you love and cook them regularly. It can save you money. Also, this will be a much healthier option than eating out or buying ready-made food.

Stand Up Regularly

Throughout the day, make sure you’re getting up sometimes – if possible once an hour – to make sure you don’t sit down too much.

 How do you take care of yourself? Don’t forget to leave us a comment. your-turn.jpg







اگر تو هم دوست داری بیشتر از سن واقعیت نشون داده نشی اینجا کلیک کن

ترجمه فارسی

هر وقت صحبت از خودمراقبتی میشه، افراد فقط از حمام داغ و ماسک صورت حرف میزنن. اینا عالین، اما مفهوم خودمراقبتی فراتر از ایناست. وقتی از خودمراقبتی صحبت میکنیم منظور ایجاد عادتهای کوچکیه که بهتون از نظر فیزیکی و ذهنی کمک میکنه. این حرف ممکنه یک تعهد بزرگ به نظر بیاد که به تلاش زیادی نیاز داره، اما مطمئن باشین اینطور نیست. این عادتها بهتون کمک میکنن استرستون رو کم کنین، کیفیت خوابتون رو بالا ببرین و بطور کلی حس بهتری داشته باشین. ما یه لیستی از کارهایی که متونین انجام بدین رو جمع آوری کردیم!

برین پیاده روی

میدونستین بیرون بودن بدن رو تنظیم میکنه و استرس رو کم میکنه؟ فقط روزی ده دقیقه تو طبیعت بودن میتونه بشدت سلامتیتونو بهبود ببخشه. بماند که پیاده روی برای بدن و ذهن عالیه.

بیشتر آب بخورین

از تفاوتی که خوردن آب کافی ایجاد میکنه تعجب میکنین. وقتی آب بدنتون رو از دست میدین، بیشتر مستعد خستگی، بی حالی و عصبانیت هستین. یه بطری آب همراهتون باشه تا مطمئن باشین به اهدافتون میرسین.

شمع روشن کنین

به نظر میاد این کار کمکی نمیکنه، اما روشن کردن یک یا دو شمع میتونه کل فضای اتاق رو عوض کنه. این کار باعث میشه اتاق دنج تر، آرامش بخش تر و خودمونی تر باشه.

برا خودتون غذا درست کنین

پختن چندتا غذا که خیلی دوست دارین رو یاد بگیرین و بطور منظم درستشون کنین. جدای از پس انداز کردن پولتون، این کار نسبت غذای بیرون یا غذای آماده گزینه خیلی سالم تریه.

بطور منظم سرپا بایستین

حتما در طول روز هر از گاهی سرپا بایستین– ترجیحا ساعتی یک بار – تا مطمئن بشین خیلی بی تحرک نیستین.

your-turn.jpg حالا نوبت شماست. شما چطور از خودتون مراقبت میکنین؟ یادتون نره کامنت بذارین.





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