Judgmental People

آدم های قضاوتگر

بازدید: 3538
subtitle: آدم های قضاوتگر

Advanced Level

 [audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-81-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"] 


 [audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-81-2-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"] 


Turn the negative into positive: Find another side of every fault you find with people on the street. Instead of scrunching your nose at a teenager’s over-the-top outfit, admire that person’s confidence in being able to pull it off. Rather than hating the loud guffaw of the man a table over, tell yourself how sweet it is that he’s having so much fun with his friends.

Say positive things: Train your mind to be more compassionate by actively looking for the good in other people and yourself. Set a goal of finding 10 compliments a day, and you’ll find yourself less inclined to  hunt for the bad around you.

Cut the gossip: It might be hard to avoid gossip completely, but make an effort to change the conversation when your friends start sounding judgmental. Try bringing up another perspective, or sneak some of that person’s good qualities into the discussion, if you can’t help but get caught up in the negativity of your usual social group.

Consider how you’d like others to see you: While aiming for a good reputation seems backward for someone hoping to end judgment, it can be a great motivator. Do you want to be remembered as the type of person who always blows off those you look down on? Setting yourself up to look compassionate will make you more aware of how you’re coming off to both the person you’re judging and everyone else around.

Fault the action, not the person: Everyone makes mistakes, so make a point of framing it as a bad action, not a sign of bad character. That person likely feels guilty or insecure about his or her actions already, and certainly has other good qualities that balance any faults.

your-turn.jpg  How can we stop being judgmental? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.





Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-81-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"] 


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-81-2-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"] 


Turn the negative into positive: Look differently at every mistake made by people on the street. Don’t be shocked at a teenager’s flashy clothes. Admire that person’s confidence and the fact that they have done it successfully. Also, don’t hate the loud laughter of the man sitting at a table nearby. Tell yourself how sweet it is that he’s having so much fun with his friends.

Say positive things: Teach your mind to be kind by looking for good qualities in other people and yourself. Set a goal of finding 10 compliments every day. Then you’ll be less willing to look for the bad around you.

Gossip less: It might be hard to avoid gossip completely, but try to change the conversation when your friends start judging others. Try mentioning another point, or mention some of that person’s good qualities in the discussion, if you can’t avoid the negative things that the people around you talk about.

Think about how you’d like others to see you: While intending to create a positive image seems backward for someone who has decided to avoid judging others, it can motivate the person a lot. Do you want to be remembered as the type of person who always ignores those you think you are better than? Forcing yourself to have sympathy will help you be more aware of how you seem to both the person you’re judging and everyone else around you.

Blame the action, not the person: Everyone makes mistakes, so remember to refer to it as a bad action, not a sign of bad personality. That person may feel bad or not confident about his or her actions already, and certainly has other good qualities that balance their mistakes.

your-turn.jpg  How can we stop being judgmental? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.





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ترجمه فارسی

منفی رو به مثبت تبدیل کنین: به هر عیب و نقصی که در مردم توی خیابون میبینین از زاویه ی دیگه نگاه کنین. به‌جای این‌که با دیدن لباس های افراطی یه نوجوان اخم کنین، اعتماد به نفس اون رو برای همینکه تونسته این کارو بکنه تحسین کنین. به جای تنفر از صدای بلند خنده ی مردی که میز کناری نشسته، به خودتون بگین چقدر قشنگه که اون با دوستاش انقدر خوش میگذرونه.

مثبت حرف بزنین: همواره به دنبال خوبی های اطراف خودتون باشین تا بتونین ذهنتون رو طوری تربیت کنین که دلسوزتر باشین. هر روز 10 تا تعریف رو تعیین کنین تا تمایل کمتری به جذب اتفاق های بد اطراف خودتون داشته باشین.

غیبت نکنین: شاید اینکه کلا غیبت نکنین سخت باشه، اما تلاش کنین وقتی دوستاتون شروع به قضاوت میکنن بحث رو عوض کنین. اگه نمی تونین درگیر حس منفی گروه اجتماعی دور وبرتون خود نشین، سعی کنین جنبه ی دیگه ای از موضوع رو مطرح کنین یا برخی از ویژگی های خوب اون شخص رو خیلی ریز وارد بحث کنین.

به این فکر کنین که دوست دارین بقیه شما رو چطور ببینن: شخصی که همواره امیدواره تا قضاوت هارو تموم کنه نمیتونه شهرت خوبی داشته باشه اما با این حال همین میتونه یک انگیزه ی عالی باشه. آیا دوست دارین ازتون بعنوان کسی یاد بشه که آدمهای کمتر از خودش رو نادیده میگیره؟ همینکه دلسوزتر به نظر برسین، شما را از نحوه برخورد با شخص قضاوتگر و همچنین بقیه آگاه می کنه.

عمل رو بد در نظر بگیرین نه شخص رو: همه مرتکب اشتباه می شن بنابراین اون رو به عنوان یک عمل بد در نظر بگیرین، نه نشونه شخصیت بد. اون شخص احتمالاً همینطوری هم نسبت به اعمال خودش از قبل احساس گناه یا ناامنی می کنه و قطعا ویژگی های خوب دیگه ای داره که عیبهاش رو میپوشونه.

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The prerequisite to avoiding judgmental actions is having enough knowledge about human needs (It is suggested to read Maslow's Human Hierarchy Needs ). If a person had a shortage in their life, the response and reaction to that shortage occur by...

The prerequisite to avoiding judgmental actions is having enough knowledge about human needs (It is suggested to read Maslow's Human Hierarchy Needs ). If a person had a shortage in their life, the response and reaction to that shortage occur by some of the behavior such as rudeness actions, judgmental thinking, and other negative etiquettes.[*]

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