Why Do People Knock on Wood

چرا مردم میزنن به تخته

بازدید: 3563
subtitle: چرا مردم میزنن به تخته

Advanced Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-73-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-73-2-Advanced.mp3" volume="100"]


Cracking down on the meaning of this popular superstition, one knock at a time! Learn the "knock on wood" meaning and its origin story. Ever scrambled around looking for wood to ensure your luck? We certainly have, because this popular superstition is used frequently. Common superstitions are used daily, but we often overlook the origin and focus on what we should and shouldn’t do to bring good fortune and avoid any possible mishaps.

“Knock on wood” comes from at least the 19th century, according to sources, but the true origin remains unknown and heavily discussed. Many believe it originated with pagangroups and cultures around the world, who worshipped and mythologized the trees. These groups believed the trees were home to their various gods and with the touch of wood, a spirit could bring protection. It may also have served as a way to show gratitude that would bring good fortune.

While pagan groups have dissipated and we all play our own versions of tag, we can still find ourselves looking around for a piece of wood to bring us some good luck. Why do we continuously perform this act? Some habits are just hard to break! If you start a habit at a young age, it can be hard or uncomfortable to change your behavior as an adult. Not only do we get used to these repeating behaviors, but our minds also find it easier to knock on wood rather than avoid doing it since it’s an easy task to complete! Another reason why we continue knocking on wood is that we associate it with a moment where it seemed as though it worked. Talked to someone about a job, knocked on wood, and then got the job? That’s a memory that is associated with the act which makes us continue this pattern.

by the looks of it, knocking on wood isn’t going to end anytime soon. With a long history, memories, and repeated behavior, it looks like nature is lending a helping hand to bring in positive energy and fortune, one knock at a time.

Now tell me. Do you know any other similar superstitions? Don’t forget to leave us a comment. your-turn.jpg





Elementary Level

[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-73-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


[audio style = "light" url="images/breakfast/BR-No-73-2-Elementary.mp3" volume="100"]


Dealing with the meaning of this popular superstition , little by little! Learn the "knock on wood" meaning and its origin story. Have you ever tried to find wood to make sure of  your luck? Certainly yes, because this popular superstition is used often. Common superstitions are used daily, but we often miss the origin and focus on what we should and shouldn’t do to bring good luck and avoid any possible accidents.

“Knock on wood” comes from at least the 19th century, according to sources. But the true origin  is not known and many people talk about it. Many believe it came from pagan groups and cultures around the world. They worshipped and idealized the trees. These groups believed their different gods lived in trees. With the touch of wood, a spirit could bring protection. They would also thank trees, which would bring good fortune.

Pagan groups have become less. But we still look around for a piece of wood to bring us some good luck. Why do we continuously do this? Some habits are just hard to stop! If you start a habit at a young age, it can be hard or uncomfortable to change your behavior as an adult. We are familiar with these repeating behaviors. Also, we don’t avoid it since it’s an easy task to complete! In addition, we make a connection between knocking on wood and a moment that it worked. Talked to someone about a job, knocked on wood, and then got the job? That memory is linked to the act so it makes us continue this pattern.

We think knocking on wood isn’t going to end. We have a long history, memories, and repeated behavior. Maybe nature is helping to bring in positive energy and luck, little by little.

Now tell me. Do you know any other similar superstitions? Don’t forget to leave us a comment.






اگه به چیزای خرافاتی علاقه داری اینجا کلیک کن تا چند تا از خرافاتی که توی کل دنیا وجود داره رو بخونی 

ترجمه فارسی

بدنبال معنی این خرافه مشهور هستیم، هر دفعه یه ضربه! معنی و منشا "به تخته زدن" رو یاد بگیرین. تا حالا شده دنبال چوب بگردین تا خوش شانسی بیارین؟ حتما هممون این کارو کردیم چون این خرافه رایج به کرات استفاده میشه. خرافه های رایج هر روز استفاده میشن اما ما بیشتر وقتها منشا اونها رو نادیده میگیریم و روی اون چیزی که باید انجام بدیم یا انجام ندیم تمرکز میکنیم تا خوش شانسی بیاریم و از اتفاقای بد جلوگیری کنیم.

طبق منابع (مختلف) "به تخته زدن" از قرن 19 استفاده میشه اما منشا اصلیش همچنان نامشخصه و خیلی راجع بهش بحث شده. خیلیا معتقدن این خرافه رو گروه ها و فرهنگهای بت پرست درست کردن که درخت رو مثل اسطوره میپرستیدن. این گروه ها اعتقاد داشتن درختها خونه خدایانشونه و با زدن به تخته یه روح میتونه ازشون محافظت کنه. این کار شاید یه راه برای نشون دادن قدردانیه که شانس میاره.

با اینکه گروه های مشرک از بین رفتن و هرکدوم از ما باورهای خودمونو داریم، بازم انگار (ناخودآگاه) دنبال یه تیکه چوب میگردیم تا واسمون شانس بیاره. چرا مدام این کارو انجام میدیم؟ ترک بعضی عادتها سخته! اگر یه کاری تو سن پایین براتون عادت بشه، سخته و ناخوشاینده که تو بزرگسالی رفتارتون رو عوض کنین. نه تنها ما به این رفتارهای تکرارشونده عادت میکنیم، بلکه برای ذهن ما زدن به تخته راحت تر از نزدن به تخته هست چون انجام دادنش کار راحتیه. دلیل دیگه ای که ما بازم به این رفتار ادامه میدیم اینه که اون رو به یه لحظه ای ربط میدیم که قبلا جواب داده. تا حالا شده با کسی راجع به کاری صحبت کنین، بزنین به تخته و بعد اون کارو گیر بیارین؟ این یه خاطره ایه که ربطش میدین به این حرکت (به تخته زدن) و این باعث میشه این کار رو ادامه بدین.

ظاهرا، به تخته زدن قرار نیست به این زودیا تموم شه. با وجود تاریخچه طولانی، خاطره ها و تکراری بودن این رفتار به نظر میاد طبیعت کمک میکنه انرژی مثبت و شانس رو جذب کنیم، هر بار یه ضربه.

your-turn.jpg  خرافه مشابه دیگه ای میشناسین؟ یادتون نره واسمون کامنت بذارین.

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thanks for this fascinating content and podcast which is extremely tough to create. in my opinion,another sense of wrong thinking,is that black cats are infelicitous and doomed,which it's vividly a misconception or i better say it's a clear...

thanks for this fascinating content and podcast which is extremely tough to create. in my opinion,another sense of wrong thinking,is that black cats are infelicitous and doomed,which it's vividly a misconception or i better say it's a clear "superstition".l

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